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Hello, we are Jessie, Jackie, Jamilee, Janie, Jodie, Julie, John, Jeff, Joe, Jack and Jim. We are OK. Are you OK? We are fine. Are you fine? Oh, let’s have a cup of tea. It is five o’clock. Hello! Thank you!
An inscenacion for children from the era of Victorian England, Lewis Carroll and Edward Lear.
PREMIERE: 7. října 2018, Minor, Praha
DIRECTION: Jiří Adámek
SCENOGRAPHY: Natálie Rajnišová
DRAMATURGY: Petra Zichová
CAST: Maëlane Auffray, Anna Bubníková, Kateřina Císařová, Vendula Holičková, Mikuláš Čížek, Jan Hrovatitsch, Ivo Sedláček, Pavol Smolárik, Daniel Šváb
PHOTO: Zbyněk Hrbata

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